Monday 15 March 2010

7am... Monday

Walking out the door
Above I see the last remnant of sunrise
Gently staining the clouds
A broken fluffy blanket
Strewn loosely overhead

Down the steps again
The car awaits, the day begins
The weekend just a memory
The week ahead, ideas
Potential and promise

Driving in silence
Through the not quite sparse traffic
An old familiar routine
The mind wanders, lulled
By the easy repetition

Into the office
Coffee, a ritual oft repeated
A tabletop reflection
The glass gives a glimpse
The trees outside

The morning brightens
In this most mundane of moments
With a happy realisation
That even here and now
Life is beautiful

Sunday 14 March 2010

Pursuit of happiness

This is a topic that I've given some thought to recently. I'm very unsure where it's leading me but I wanted to share these thoughts. I was musing on my FaceBook page recently and that gave rise to this:

The pursuit of happiness
A thought for the self
An inward focus
Where’s my happiness?

Do I deserve to be happy?
Is it something I want?
Is it something I need?
Is it all about me?

Yes I do deserve to be happy
I want it, I need it
I am deserving… yes
It’s all about me

And… yet…
It’s all so empty
Devoid of meaning
But it doesn’t matter. I deserve it

Still… nothing… inside
Why can’t… why don’t…
I feel good… feel happy…
It’s all about… me…?

What if it’s not?
What if it’s not all about me?
What if I look outside me?
What if… what if…?

I'd love to know what other think about this. What is happiness? How do you achieve it? Should you even worry about it at all?

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Experiments in poetry

I've recently thought that it would be great to be able to write about some of the less profound moments that happen in life every day. Sunday thoughts was my first attempt at that.

This is another experiment. But I'm not sure that less profound is an appropriate description. It's beginning to seem that the depth and meaning of something may simply depend on our perspective. Or perhaps it's really just our perception that changes. That there is always meaning, waiting to be perceived. Yet our limitations, perhaps self imposed, perhaps not, hold us back.

Anyway... enough rambling...


A glance around the room
Guitars standing in the corners
Mutely gathering dust
Awaiting their muse

A feeling touches my fingers
Desire, yearning awakens
To feel the strings again
To hear, to feel the sound

My hands caress the curves
The wood glossy and smooth
Of their own volition
My hands find their place

A single strum slowly brushed
Oh dear… not so tuneful
A wry smile… a thought
“Play more often”

The old familiar routine
A reassuring ritual
Tuning is quickly done
The strum more tuneful now

My fingers know their places
Music starts to fill the air
A little hesitation
Brief… then banished

Once again I feel inside
The swelling feeling
Of peace and harmony
That always brings peace

Creating… playing… making
A sound… unique… a first
A moment worth living for
Fleeting yet forever

One thing I do know is that I'm enjoying this process very much. It feels like a realisation that there is inspiration all around, all the time. I just need to take the time and see it.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Sunday thoughts

Gazing out the window on a sunny Sunday morning
A dragonfly’s random flight catches my eye
A glint of sunlight on the blurring wings
A moment’s hesitation… then madly off again

A young magpie strides sharply across the grass
Eyes peeled and ever watchful for a morsel
Grey plumage still, a youthful promise of what’s to come
The sharp blacks and whites just around the corner

The blue of the sky through the swaying treetops
Scudding clouds suggest some later rain
Autumn is in not quite in the air
The last vestige of the passing season clings on

The final heat of summer seeps into the day
The afternoon drags listlessly by
As the hot air slowly drains the dregs of energy
The pool an inviting respite from the easy lethargy

Thursday 4 March 2010

Amazing Lyrics

I've already posted something of mine this morning but I came across this song and just had to post the lyrics here. It's a Leonard Cohen song... Heart rendingly beautiful... If I can ever write anything remotely as good as this I'll die a happy man.

A Thousand Kisses Deep

The ponies run, the girls are young,
The odds are there to beat.
You win a while, and then it’s done –
Your little winning streak.
And summoned now to deal
With your invincible defeat,
You live your life as if it’s real,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed,
I’m back on Boogie Street.
You lose your grip, and then you slip
Into the Masterpiece.
And maybe I had miles to drive,
And promises to keep:
You ditch it all to stay alive,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

And sometimes when the night is slow,
The wretched and the meek,
We gather up our hearts and go,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

Confined to sex, we pressed against
The limits of the sea:
I saw there were no oceans left
For scavengers like me.
I made it to the forward deck.
I blessed our remnant fleet –
And then consented to be wrecked,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed,
I’m back on Boogie Street.
I guess they won’t exchange the gifts
That you were meant to keep.
And quiet is the thought of you,
The file on you complete,
Except what we forgot to do,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

And sometimes when the night is slow,
The wretched and the meek,
We gather up our hearts and go,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.

The ponies run, the girls are young,
The odds are there to beat . . .

Inner Paths

Sometimes I feel nothing but bewilderment at where things come from. As I drove home from work last night a line came to me in the car. "The night enfolds us in her gentle embrace". By the time I got home I completely forgot about it. Later when I remembered, all I could do was remember that I had thought of a line but not what is was.

This is something that's happened before and I've tried to get in the habit of writing them down on the spot. I once stopped by the side of the road and scribbled hurriedly on an old serviette. So, I didn't give it any more thought until a few minutes ago, thinking it was gone. Then out of nowhere it reemerged along with a few more lines.

As with Away from the dark I'm unsure of the meaning as yet, maybe even more so this time. I'd love to know what you think it means, and perhaps more relevantly I'd love to know what it means to you, if anything

Inner Paths

The night enfolds us in her gentle embrace
Her darkly soft arms, her caress
Her touch calming our fears
The cares of the day melt away

Closing our eyes we drift slowly away
To a place not here, not now
Our deepest thoughts and feelings
Rise slowly to meld with our minds

Mind, body, spirit… meditating
On the slowly rising tide of being
Gazing at last deep into ourselves
Wondering… wondering

What secrets lie beneath the veils of self?
What treasures yet to be unearthed?
The journey at last begun
Toward the life within

Many steps, many paths, many roads
Lie ahead, untrodden, uncharted
They await a footfall to make them real
As they call to us endlessly

The gentle echo of their whisper urging
Us onward, deeper into… where?
Is this our self buried deep within
Unseen, unheard, unknown

Yet for all the dark mystery within
Perhaps this is where we need to live
To exist… to be…
Within our deepest self… always

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Musing on a gloomy afternoon

This came to me as I looked out of my office window. 

Musing on a gloomy afternoon

A gentle breeze stirs the leaves
The branches sway languidly
The humid air thick and heavy

A crisp, subtle rustling
Ripples across the morning
Autumn creeping slowly in

The grey aftermath of the rain
Hangs overhead, gloomy, pregnant
With promise and threat

Yet a simple glance around
Reveals exquisite grace
In a simple drop of rain

Clinging gracefully to a leaf
A puddle reflects the life above
A sense of wonder once again renewed

I think the gloom I initially saw was not only not there then, it's never there. It simply our limited perceptions that create the illusion of gloom. The weather, like so many other is never gloomy, or happy or anything else of that nature. It just is. It might be dangerous, hot cold windy etc but the emotions are ours.

Perhaps a simple insight is always there to be gained when we look out at a rainy day. Our perceptions of it may be a reflection of something that exists inside us. Could this be a useful tool for increased self awareness?

I'm not sure but I'm going to try it and see.